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About Game

The CATastrophe has happened! In the open space among the asteroids there are escape-crew boxes with catstronauts flying around, you have to evacuate them! Find them all and bring them back to the mothership!
But be careful, space and the laws of physics are very tricky. Fly around asteroids and bombs, take into account the mass of your spaceship, plan the route, break and repair the ship, but most importantly save the kittens!

Aboat Control

Movement - [W][A][S][D]
Rotation -[Q][E]
Jet Engine - [Space]
Keep Rotation/Position - [R][T]
Change Camera View - [V]
Camera zoom in/out - [Z][X]
Hold to board/unboard catstronauts - [F]

About Project

This game has been developed as part of the 2D Game Jam - 2024. The theme of this Jam is “Momentum”, my first thought was about the principle of jet propulsion. Rockets of all sorts, spacecraft, behavior and control in space! I took inspiration from “Kerbal Space Program”.

The game was made on Unity Engine, all sprites were made by myself in Aseprite, sound effects and music were taken from free sources, and

Feel free to rate, comment, share your thoughts and ideas! I hope you will like it, thank you and enjoy!

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